Ickworth House – Peeking Behind their Curtains

Ickworth House – Peeking Behind their Curtains
April 3, 2017 may

February and March saw Anna and Maria working on site at National Trust’s Ickworth House conserving the Drawing Room curtains in the Rotunda.

Here you can see photographs depicting the before, during and after conservation stages.

Showing damage to the silk on the folds of the curtain.

Showing damage to the silk on the folds of the curtain.

The conservation work in progress …

Conservators working at height on the top half of a pair of curtains.

Conservators working at height on the top half of a pair of curtains.

The curtain shown above, now loose, with conservator hard at work on it.

The curtain shown above, now loose, with conservator hard at work on it.

… the conservation work complete

After conservation

After conservation.

The links below take you to the National Trust’s posts on this conservation work, where you can discover how they care for their treasures.

